Want to borrow a book?

May 29, 2024

Dream The Change is setting up a small library of useful books for parents and children who attend our group.

The Family Support Coordinator of our Community Interest Company, which supports families/carers with special needs children, came up with the idea after looking through her own books and being given some books by parents after they had finished reading them.

Nicole Etienne, a Coach and Author, was a speaker at one of Parent tea sessions. She also kindly donated a few copies of her book, “Oliver’s Travels” to our group.

“We hope our library will be of benefit to both parents/carers and children connected with our award-winning Community Interest Company,” said Jemal Allabayeva, Co-Founder/Executive Director of Dream The Change, CIC.

One parent said, “Dream The Change CIC having its own mini library is a great idea. Books can be expensive to buy and I don’t always have time to go to the main library in town, which might not have the book I want to read.”

We would appreciate donations of any books that people are no longer reading.

Some of the books we have so far are:

“Watch Out, A child’s guide to everyday dangers” supported by Rotary.

“Body Boundaries, Make Me Stronger” by Elizabeth Cole.

“Oliver’s Travels, a trip to Wembley Stadium” by Nicole Etienne.

“Stop Autism Now!: A Parent's Guide to Preventing and Reversing Autism Spectrum Disorders” by Fife Bruce. 

“Supporting your neurodivergent child” written by parents for parents, Working together for Essex

If anyone would like to borrow a book or would like to donate other books, please email: dreamthechangecic@protonmail.com

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